神笔马良主要内容 神笔马良大概内容(神笔马良的主要内容是什么意思)

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神笔马良主要内容 神笔马良大概内容

1、《神笔马良》讲述了一个名叫马良的放牛娃, 生性酷爱画画,但因家贫,连笔都买不起,并被他人嘲笑。但马良仍勤学不辍,用树枝、木炭代替笔,继续练习画画。一天,一位仙人来到他面前,送给他一枝可以变画为真的神笔。马良用神笔帮助穷苦百姓,惩治坏人的故事。







1. 神笔马良英语作文50字


以下是《神笔马良》的英文版: A Magic Paint Brush Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor and kind and helped a rich man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk. From that day, he used the paintbrush whenever people needed help. When he saw that people had no water to use in the fields, he drew a river and the river came to life. People could bring water from the river to the field and save a lot of time and energy. When he saw it was difficult for people to till lands, he drew a cow and the cow came to life. People could use the cow to till lands very easily. So when he saw the peoples' troubles, he would use his magic paintbrush to help. Then many people knew about the magic paintbrush. But a few days later, the rich man whom Ma Liang helped heard that the magic paintbrush could turn everything to life. He was a bad man so he had an idea to steal the paint brush from the young man. He knew that he could make a lot of money by turning things to life and keeping them. So he sent some people to the Ma Liang's home and took him to the prison. He got the magic paintbrush and felt very happy. Then he invited a lot of his friends to e to his home and showed them the magic paintbrush. He drew a lot of pictures, but they could not bee real. He was very angry and asked some people to get Ma Liang. When the young man came, he said to him, "If you draw some pictures for me and turn them to life, I will set you free." The young man knew that he was a bad man in the village. Of course he did not want to help him. He had an idea. He said to the bad man, "I can help you, but you should obey your words." The bad man felt very happy and said, "I want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold." The young man drew a sea first. The bad man was angry and said," Why did you draw a sea? I do not want this. I want a golden mountain. Draw it quickly." Then the young man drew a golden mountain which was far away from the sea. The bad man saw that and felt very happy. He said, "Draw a big ship quickly. I want to go there to gather gold." The young man *** iled quietly and drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship first and a lot of his family and friends jumped too. When the ship sailed to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. So the bad man and his friends died. Finally, the young man lived with his family happily and kept on helping the poor people. So the magic paintbrush was known by everyone.。

2. 神笔马良英语作文70字

He lost his parents, poor family from a young age, rely on their own firewood,mowing the lawn for a living. However, he and discouraged because lives in poverty, want to learn painting skill. Every day he heart hard, describing the birds in the sand school, in the rock school with painted fish. Night, took a piece of charcoal, in the cave walls, review the day of their paintings. Later, hefinally got a magic pen. He used the magic brush birds, birds flying in the sky;painting fish, the fish swim in the water. This is a greedy rich man knew, to Ma Liang to draw him large gold ingot. Ma Liang refused, he was locked into a stable. Ma Liang painted a ladder, and fled; and drew a big horse riding it, the rich man can't catch. The emperor to Ma Liang painting, Ma Liang is not willing to. The emperor put him into the prison. Ma Liang drew the island, the islanddrew lines of glittering shake Qian Shu, and drew a large boat, when the emperor and ministers and generals. The boat to take money, strong wind and big waves engulfed them all. From then on, Ma Liang used his ability totake one's ease to draw for the poor folks, draw what they need: the plow,cattle, water tankers, stone.。

3. 马良神笔 初中英语作文

Once upon a time there was a child named Ma Liang. Father, mother, long dead, relying on his own firewood, mowing live. He studied painting from childhood love, but he was not even a pen ah!One day, he passed a school hall door to the school hall where the teachers, holding a pen, is painting. He did not consciously went in, the teacher said:"I want to study painting, lent me a pen can it?" Teacher stare at him, "Pooh!" A spittle spit in his face, cursing: "The poor want to Wazi pen, would like to learn painting? dream啦! "finished, it will be thrust out of the door to him.Ma Liang is an aspiring children, he said: "The chosen not believe how poor children can not learn even the painting!" From then on, he determined to study painting in the intentions of training hard every day. When he went to the mountains firewood, it folded a branch, the painted birds in the sand to go to school. He went to the river grass, you use grass-roots dip dip water, in the shore stone to go to school with painted fish. The evening, back home, with a piece of charcoal, in the cave's walls, painted during the day over again what a piece of re-painting again. No pen, he was to copy the same painting.From year to year in the past, Ma Liang studied painting never a day interrupted. His cave walls, painted on the stack paintings, hemp *** flowers are all painted. Of course, progress very rapidly from bird painting really would not ask more backward, and painting will not be backward in the fish from swimming out. A back entrance to the village, he drew only a *** all hen, over the entrance to the village with an eagle on the round and round all day long. One back in the mountains after he drew a black hair wolf, frightened after the cattle and sheep can not graze in the mountains. Ma Liang has not a pen, but ah! He thought, he could have a pen in the How wonderful!One evening, Ma Liang lying in a cave dwelling, because of his day's work, and studied painting, has been very tired, one to lie down, they drowsily fell asleep. Do not know when, lit cave where a burst of colorful light, came a white-bearded elderly, to a pen given to him: "This is a God pen, to make good use it!" Ma Liang took a look , that sum payment of Guang Cancan; holding in their hands and heavy. He jumped up and Xi De: "Thank you, grandfather, 。

。" Ma Liang's did not finish, white-bearded old had disappeared.Ma Liang was surprised, they woke up, rubbed its eyes, it was originally a dream! Can you not a dream ah! That pen is not very good in their own hands do! He is very happy, Ben out door to door to door, the partners have to wake up and told them: "I have a pen啦!" Until midnight, then miles!He strokes of a bird, bird burst forth wings, and flew to heaven on his shouting numerous Cha-cha to burst into song. He stroke a fish, fish, curved tail, swim water go to him in a swaying dance. He was very happy, and said: "This is God pen, multi-okay!" Ma Liang has Zhezhi God pen, drawing every day for the village's poor: Whose is not Rakes, he gave them the painting Rakes; someone's not cattle, he gave them the paintings of cattle; someone's no water tankers, water tankers, he gave them the painting; someone's not stone, he gave them the painting stone mill 。

。There is no wall is not to take the air, the message quickly pass into the neighboring village, a big rich ears. This rich man sent to him arrested and o retainers, forced him to draw. Ma Liang age is *** all, but the child born is a hard and fast. The bad heart, he realized that the rich, left to the rich man how to coax him, threatened him, asking him to draw a gold ingot, he is reluctant to painting. Rich man put him in a stables, not give him food.In the evening, there were numerous places off the snow, the ground has already played a thick layer of plot. Rich think, Ma Liang This is not about starvation, but also quasi-frozen to death. He walked the barn door, I saw through the crack, revealing a red light, but also *** elt the fragrant taste. He felt strange, leaned eyes go to the crack where a, ah! Ma Liang is not only not dead, but also Shaoqi a big stove, side grill fire, and one side is the pancake eating it like an oven! The rich know that the stove and the pancake, it must be Ma Liang strokes with God, they sent for a huff in Jia Ding to ask them to put Ma Liang to kill and snatched the pen like that of God. More than 10 fierce retainers, burst into the barn,But there is no Ma Liang, we saw the east wall, relying on a ladder. Ma Liang took advantage of darkness, climbing up the ladder over the wall and left. Rich man hurriedly climbed the ladder, catch, did not climb the three 。

4. 神笔—马良作文





















5. 观《神笔马良》有感50个字作文

网上找的 可节选观《神笔马良》有感我看了《神笔马良》这部电影,给了我很大的启发.因为电影里的马良是一个善良、机智、有志气的孩子.而电影里的将军正是马良的反面,他是一个贪、邪恶的人.故事的简单内容:从前有个穷苦的孩子,叫马良.他住在一个叫百花村的地方.马良喜欢画画,因为马良很穷所以连画画的笔也没有.有一天,晚上,马良梦见有位大师送给他一支笔.等醒来后,他发现身边真的有一支笔.马良十分开心!于是,马良在墙上画了一只鸡,没想到它居然活着跳了下来.后来,被将军知道后,就闯进百花村拿走了神笔.马良很难过,等走了后,泼墨仙人出现给了马良一支神笔.将军到了家,试试这笔的魔力,他对着小皇帝施魔力,将军以为真的,就对他的鸟施魔力,将军这才知道这支笔是假的.在百花村马良用神笔帮助村民,马良帮助村民画出了:大水壶、水牛、摇钱树等.后来,将军发现马良手里有一支神笔是真的,于是,他请马良参加六岁小皇帝生日,趁机把神笔拿到手.到了官殿,马良给小皇帝表演了节目.表演完的时候,将军趁机把神笔拿走,马良也关进了一个地方.后来,马良的伙伴——花灯子和花猫,把马良救了出来,拿回了神笔,回百花村.这时候将军又来,求马良画一座金山,马良用神笔画了座金山,马良用神笔画了座金山,因为它们想把金山搬回家,所以把金山的手、脚用力拔,这样金山会疼,掉下了金色的眼泪,眼泪掉下来把将军和手下染成金色的人.马良用花灯子送给他的折纸的马,用神笔变成活的飞马飞下来.这样马良和村民快乐地生活.我也想要一支神笔,这我可以像马良那样帮助别人.。

6. 读《神笔马良》有感作文





7. 假如我是“神笔马良”作文















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  大官听说马良有一支神笔,带兵把他捉去,要他画金元 宝。马良不给画,就被关在监牢里。



























  (不畏强 暴,淳朴善良)










